Daisy Chain Award


Salutations fantastic readers. :) I was nominated for the Daisy Chain Award by Marissa
from Seastar Studios. Thank you Marissa!
Let's get started. :)

1. What is your favorite AG doll?
There's just so many, but I would have to say Lanie
and number 41. They're both just so pretty!

2. If you could have any AG doll, which one would it be?
Well, Lanie and number 41.

3. If you could unarchive a doll, who would it be?
Probably Lanie or Sonali.

4. Do you prefer straight, wavy, or curly hair on your doll?
I really don't know. It just depends on her facial features.

5. What's an AG doll that you will never get?
Mmmm, probably number 32.

6. What is your favorite AGTube web series?  (Aspen Heights, Realm of
Arragara, etc.) 
Aspen Heights ALL THE WAY!!!

7. If you like Frozen, Anna or Elsa?
Yikes! I can't decide. Anna is really funny and Elsa,
her character is amazing; I really can't choose.

8. Who is your favorite AGTuber?
Basilmentos and AGsmiless. They are both amazing!!


Tea Time With Melody Q
Brandywine Bridge
Carrot and Claire
Saige's Locket
Jessica's Journal
The Salty Breeze
Simply Dollighful 
Clarisse's Closet

Congratulations to the nominees! Please remember that just because I did 
not nominate you does not mean I do not read your blog.
If you would like me to nominate you for a different award please give me a link 
to your blog, and I will check it out and hopefully award you next time!

If you were nominated, please go ahead and answer these 8 questions
 on your blog, nominate 8 more blogs and ask them your own 8 questions!

1. If you could have one thing in the world what would it be?
2. Do you like puzzles? 
4. What inspired you to start blogging?
3. Did you notice I switched 3 and 4? :)
5. Favorite classic movie/book?
6. Favorite British TV show?
7. Lord Of The Rings fan?
8. How is your day going?

In a while!! 

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