My Favorite Things


Autumn leaves falling. The smell of homemade brownies. That wonderfully cool side of the pillow. Making somebody laugh. Waking up to a rainy day. Wandering the beach alone. Finding a piece of sea glass. Seeing a bluebird. Capturing an incredible moment in time with a photograph. Climbing a tree. Looking out the window. Knowing that I've been missed. Being around people. Loosing a whole day to a good book. The smell of a sharpie marker. Painting a room. All shades of blue. My bookshelf. Warm apple cider on an autumn evening. Big red barns. Reading new comments my readers have left me. Staying up late. Blogging. Wrapped up in a warm blanket eating ice cream. Late night talks with my friends. The black and white keys of a piano. The ticking of a clock. Handmade gifts. Cloudy skies. Bundling up. Beautiful handwriting. Fairy lights. Tissue paper. Hide and seek. My birthday. Fresh baked bread. The sound of a pencil against paper. Old books. Breakfast in bed. Fuzzy blankets. Biting into an apple. Black and white photographs. Freshly fallen snow. Morning dew. 


  1. This post is so uplifting. It makes me think of all the things to be greatful for, so thank you!
    Also, this blog design is to die for.

    1. Aww, thank you dear. <3 Emily and Dian did such a good job didn't they?

  2. Such a nice post! So Positive and inspiration,so thank you!

  3. This is definitely the reminder I needed to stay postive throughout the new year. <3 All of us, no matter our age, race, ethnicity, have so much to be thankful for. I'm so glad to share that journey with you, Aliah. Happy 2016!

  4. yes yes yes, this just made me so happy inside xD I feel like making someone laugh is such an accomplishment because you literally just made someone happy and that's great. Anyway, I loved this post, it was sweet and simple, the 2 best S's :P


    1. Thank you Noor, it means a lot. :) I totally agree!

  5. I lllloooooooovvvveeeee your blog banner!! Is that watercolor art? And, did you do it?? :D Sooo pretty!

    1. Thank you so much Julia! It is. Dian from The Happy Candle was kind enough to brand my blog for me.


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