CACAWC Weeks 5 and 6


Hello. I'm sorry I haven't kept up with the CACAWC. I've been really busy planning a dinner party I invited 3 families plus my sister and her husband and it turned out to be a little bit over 20 people. It was really fun planning and hosting it although it has kept me on my tiptoes for the past few weeks. Anyhow, let's get on to the CACAWC.

Here is week 5.....

  • Your main character realizes something...
  • Use the word: tinfoil

And week 6...

  • An odd thing is found
  • Have a question start with: why
  • Use this picture:

Yes, I have decided not to put the challenges on images. I feel like it's very time consuming and it's not really necessary. So, from now on I will have the challenges like they were displayed above.
I will have another post coming shortly because I feel like this isn't really a post, it's just like an update. I can't wait to see your chapters!

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  1. No worries about the delay, I'm not even all the way done with Chapter One yet!! Lol. :D

    Looking forward to doing these once I finish all the other ones though. Thanks for doing this, Aliah!


    1. I ca't wait to see your first chapter! I'm so happy your enjoying the challenges. :)


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